Spring Registration is for most divisions is closed.

Registration is extended for the following divisions:

U5 | U10G | U12G | U14G | U19G | U19C


Spots are still open for:

U5 U12G U14G U19G U19Coed

Waitlist is still open for:

U7G U8B U8G U10B U10G U14B


Waitlist is closed for

U6Coed U7B U12B
If you don't know what division you would be in, just start the registration process and the system places you.


Opening Day

March 29

Final Day

June 14


U5-U14 games will be played every Saturday April 5 – June 14* b/t 8am-2pm. Your coach will provide exact times for your games.

U19 players small sided weeknight games over six evenings in the Spring. Click here for more info.

*(no games April 19)


We are happy to announce the results of the GWYSL Regional Logo Competition!

First Place Prize

Curtiss Calleo

parent of former player

Curtiss tells us his design was inspired by both classic soccer balls and iconic NYC manhole covers.

Second Place Prize

Sebastian & Jon Legere

current player & his parent

Honorable Mentions

Scarlett Nicholl

Nel Pang

Luis Otavalo

Brice Rogers

Mila Scheiderbauer

Many thanks to all those who participated! It was great to see the creativity!

What is GWYSL?

Greenpoint Williamsburg Youth Soccer League (GWYSL), is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization dedicated to youth soccer. We receive no public funds and all of our expenses are paid from the registration fees of the children who play. We expect all parents to participate in a volunteer role.

What is AYSO?

The American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) is the oldest national youth soccer program in the United States and a nonprofit. Their mission is to develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs throughout the country which promote a fun, family environment. More information can be found here. GWYSL is AYSO Region 1328.

Volunteer Openings

We need more every season!