
What is inLeague?

inLeague is a registration platform designed exclusively for and authorized by the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), the national organization that supports GWYSL. inLeague has been serving AYSO for more than 20 years.


Registration for the SPRING 2025 season is now open. You can register by going to the GWYSL website and clicking the green “LOG IN / REGISTER” button at the top right of the page. You will choose "Spring Registration" from the drop down menu. 

Please be mindful that we have ONE Registrar for 700+ players, and they will not be able to respond to all your requests. Most of you need to know is included below, so please read carefully. 


Registration payments are handled via the inLeague registration site. Follow the instructions during the checkout process to make your payment via credit or debit card. You must pay before your child is permitted to play. For payment inquiries, email the Registrar.

Our base fee will be $160.00/season for SPRING 2025.

This includes the annual NON-REFUNDABLE AYSO membership fee of $25.00. The fee transferred directly from your payment to AYSO National; this happens only once per AYSO Membership Year (August 1, 2024-July 31, 2025). 

Division Full/Waitlist

To get on the waitlist, please make sure to complete the registration process at inLeague (there is no fee to sign up for the waitlist).  If a spot becomes available, you will be notified via email. There is no need to make inquiries for waitlist status updates.

What division does my child play in?

Use the following information to match your child's BIRTH YEAR with the DIVISION they will be placed in for the SPRING 2025 season. Age verification will be required for 6U divisions.

Age Division Guide

Note: ‘U’ stands for UNDER so, for example, a 7-year old kid is UNDER 8 (8U).

Birth Year 2019: 5U
This is called the Jamboree. parents are involved with one coach leading the parents. The focus is on fun, and individual skills development. There are no organized games but there is a scrimmage at the end. There are no goalkeepers!

Birth Year 2018: 6U
1/2 of the time is spent on individual skill development, and 1/2 half of the time is spent on a game of 3 field players per team.

Birth Year 2017: 7U
Five-a-side games. 5 field players per team, no goalkeeper. Saturday is game day at your allotted time. There is one mandatory practice during the week on Monday night, or as otherwise arranged by the coach. 

Birth Year 2016: 8U
Five-a-side games. 5 field players per team, no goalkeeper. Saturday is game day at your allotted time. There is one mandatory practice during the week on Monday night, or as otherwise arranged by the coach. 

Birth Year 2014–15: 10U
Seven-a-side games. 6 field players and 1 goalkeeper per team. Saturday is game day at your allotted time. There is one mandatory practice during the week on Monday night, or as otherwise arranged by the coach. 

Birth Year 2012–13: 12U
Nine-a-side games. 8 field players and 1 goalkeeper per team. There is one mandatory practice during the week on Monday night, or as otherwise arranged by the coach.

Birth Year 2010–11: 14U
Eleven-a-side games. 10 field players and 1 goalkeeper per team. 

Birth Year 2006–09: 19U
Eleven-a-side games. 10 field players and 1 goalkeeper per team.

You may find this link to AYSO Birth Year Registration Chart to be helpful, but remember that GWYSL usually does not have 9U, 11U, 13U.  Instead, where you see those divisions, plug in the next higher division, e.g. 10U, 12U, 14U.

Finanical Assistance

GWYSL is proud to offer a Registration Fee Financial Assistance Program. We are an all-volunteer organization and receive no public funds. All of our expenses are paid from the registration fees of the children who play. As a result, our ability to provide financial assistance is limited, and will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. All other factors being equal, priority will be based on the level of volunteer participation in the GWYSL (i.e., active volunteers such as coaches & referees, receive priority.) If you have qualified for Financial Assistance from:

  • Free/Reduced School Lunch Program OR

  • Section 8 Housing or live in temporary housing

...then you qualify for partial GWYSL Financial Assistance. We also understand that COVID has caused financial hardship not covered in the 2 items above, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us to see if you qualify.

During player registration, please add your child's program to the shopping cart and then email with your name, your child's name, date of birth and any other relevant information. We ask that scholarship families pay a reduced fee of $25 per child.


Refund Policy

Any time a player drops out of GWYSL, there is a significant disruption to the league—it can create a real stress from an administrative standpoint (particularly during COVID), as well as to the chemistry of the team. Consequently, we ask that you sign up your child(ren) ONLY if you are committed to participating in all games and practices. Please consider scheduling conflicts before registering. 

If your circumstances unexpectedly change and you must take your child(ren) out of the league, here is our new refund policy.

  • If you drop prior to the end of registration, then you will receive a full refund (100%) of the $135.00/child.

  • If you drop after registration closes but before Opening Day, then you will receive a partial refund (75%).

  • If you drop after Opening Day, and return the uniform(s), then you will receive a partial refund (50%).

  • There is NO refund of the annual $25.00 fee. This fee is processed directly with AYSO and cannot be refunded or transferred to another year after it has been processed.